Grease-packed hubs or oil bath hubs? Both have been around forever, but which is better? The truth is, there's no definitive answer as it often comes down to personal preferences. However, at Marlon, we stand by grease-packed hubs, and here's why:

  1. If a seal goes bad or you lose a dust cap, you won’t lose all your lubricant in seconds. You will be able to limp your way somewhere to fix – at least temporarily – the issue.


  2. Grease-packed hubs are easy to maintain and check. They contain a reservoir of grease that continuously lubricates the bearings, reducing the need for frequent maintenance. When it's time to change or inspect the grease, the process is simplified due to easy access, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.


  3. When a trailer isn't moving or is moving slowly, oil in bath hubs may settle at the bottom, failing to lubricate the bearings. Grease, however, remains packed inside the bearings, providing continuous lubrication.


  4. Worn seals will retain grease in the hub longer than they will retain oil.

In conclusion, whether you opt for grease-packed hubs or oil bath hubs ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Both options have their advantages and drawbacks. Nonetheless, at Marlon, we firmly believe in the reliability and convenience of grease-packed hubs. By incorporating them into our products, we enhance durability through consistent lubrication. This not only offers peace of mind but also ensures optimal performance for your trailer, guaranteeing a smooth and safe journey on the road ahead.